Sunday, December 7, 2008

John Milton (1608-1674)

A very nice resource on John Milton, author of the epic poem Paradise Lost:


Here's a pretty good study guide:

Another decent study guide to help with the reading:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

"The Oedipus Complex"


What is the "Oedipus Complex?" On a separate sheet, give a 1-2 paragraph overview of what this means. Use the link below:


Modern day detectives and scholars commonly refer to the story of Oedipus Rex when talking about a child rape case. A young boy falling for his mother or a mother figure is what some people like to call the Oedipus Complex. Mary Kay Letourneau was a schoolteacher that ended up falling in love with a young student. However, the young student also had fallen for the teacher.

Instructions: “Be a Detective:”
By using these links, gather up information on the Letourneau child rape case. Answer the following questions to determine whether Vili Fualaau had an Oedipus Complex when he fell for his teacher.

1. Do you think that a thirteen year old is capable of love?

2. Do you believe that May Kay “brainwashed” Vili?

3. Include a few comments on their marriage.


In activity one, you were introduced to the Oedipus Complex. In this activity, you will go more into depth about who first came up with the theory and what it really means. Click on these links to get better knowledge on the subject. Then, answer the questions below.

1. Based on what you learn about Freud and his theory, do you believe Vili Fualaau had Oedipus Complex? Explain.

2. Do you think Oedipus could have helped not falling in love with his mother if he knew it was her? Explain.

Friday, October 3, 2008


1. The "fog" appears throughout the novel.

1A. What is the fog, according to Bromden?

1B. What really is the fog?

2. At one point in the novel, a patient is cut open by the staff, but no blood or guts come out of him. Instead, wires, bolts, and machine parts come out. What is Kesey trying to say by this surreal sequence?

3. Define "surrealism." Use internet resources to look up the concept and read more about it. What parts of this novel could you see as being surreal?

4. Describe how the attitudes and outlooks of the patients change when they go on the fishing boat. What is meaningful about this experience for all involved?

5. For the last third of the novel, who is really in control of the ward? Nurse Ratched, or is it McMurphy? Many have argued for one or the other. . . what do you think?

6. Is it really McMurphy's fault that Cheswick and Billy Bibbit are dead? Why or why not?

7. McMurphy's death at the end of the novel can by seen as symbolic. Why do you think Chief Bromden kills him? Do you agree with his actions?

8. One very common element, or literary 'trope,' is the Christ figure. McMurphy is often called a Christ figure by literary critics. What connections, relationships, or parellels can you make between McMurphy and Christ?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Goblin Market" Critical Essay Assignment

Critical Essay: “Goblin Market”


Final Draft: Friday, September 19th, 2008
Revision Final Draft: Wednesday, October 1st, 2008


Length: 2 pages

Format: typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, 12 point

Ø The requirements for the actual body of your paper are included on the rubric.
Ø For this essay, revision final drafts are optional. One full rubric point for each of the five strands can be improved in the final draft. The points awarded for the revision will be included in the grading system as an ‘extra grade’ for those who choose to complete it. In other words, students will not be penalized for choosing not to do it, but those who do choose to revise their paper will be awarded.
Ø A copy description of this assignment can be found on the AP Lit blog, at
Ø This essay will be assigned a letter grade, and will be worth a total of 40 points.


In your opinion, what is the most significant theme in Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market ? Choose a theme or concept in the poem, and discuss the ways in which this theme or concept is developed in the poem. With careful reading, you should include specific examples from the poem to make your analysis stronger.

Also, you may choose to quote examples from more than one source from which to draw your analysis, including our class discussions, How to Read Literature Like a Professor, and the critical essay by W. Glasgow Phillips. Please be very careful of internet sources, if you choose to use them. If you do, you must cite your source of information. Some of the themes we discussed in class are listed below.

Innocence vs. Immorality
Purity vs. Impurity
Virtue vs. Temptation
Masculinity vs. Femininity
Buying vs. Selling
Sex vs. Abstinence
Life vs. Death
Sin vs. Redemption
Pleasure vs. Pain

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Assignment

ASSIGNMENT: While reading the novel or after reading, complete the following 10 questions in short answer form. Each answer may be hand-written or typed, and at least 2-3 sentences each. Of course, you will see that some may require more.

DUE: Friday, September 5th, 2008

1. Chief Bromden is the narrator. How does seeing things through the Chief's eyes change the book?
2. Can you trust the Chief's perceptions? Why or why not?
3. What is the fog?
4. How does MacMurphy fit the American image of masculinity?
5. Notice the imagery surrounding Big Nurse. What is she symbolic of? Thematically, how is she opposed to Mac?
6. There is some bird symbolism throughout the book. Name a few points in the book where you notice this, and what do you think it means?
7. What is the significance/importance of laughter in the novel?
8. What are the attitudes towards women and sex throughout the book? What kinds of images of women do we get? Is this book sexist? How does it reflect contemporary (1964) attitudes towards women?
9. Why is the Chief a Native American? What is the attitude towards Blacks in this book. Is the book racist?
10. Write a final reflection of the novel. Write at least one paragraph.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008