Tuesday, January 19, 2010


---Use the given website to answer the questions below. It may be helpful to open up two separate windows on your browser, so that you can read and answer the questions on one page, and explore the website on the other.


1.Look at the picture on the home page. “Cover” the image of the Inferno on the painting to answer: when does the voyage through hell begin?

2.Click on “Inferno” at the top left. Then, click on the “Gallery” bar. Take a few minutes to watch the slideshow.

3.Click on the “Gustav Dore” section below the slideshow. When did Dore live?

4.Scroll down and choose one of Dore’s illustrations for The Inferno. Click on it and write a good detailed paragraph that describes the overall scene, along with the tone and message the drawing delivers.

5.Click on the “Maps” bar. Explore the three maps of Dante’s Inferno. Notice how you can zoom in and around to navigate the illustrations. Which one of these is your favorite depiction of Dante’s hell, and why? Explain.

6.Take a minute to click on and explore the maps of Italy in Dante’s lifetime.

7.Go further below into the Astronomy section. Click on “Full Moon in Libra” What is the significance of this?

8.Click on “Dante’s Universe” and note the way people in Dante’s lifetime viewed the universe. What is different about what we know now?

9.Click on the “Timeline” bar. Shortly after Dante was born, the Battle of Benevento took place. What year, exactly?

10.In what year was Dante’s first encounter with Beatrice?

11.Although there is truly not much we know about Dante outside of his writings, there is much mythology and unsubstantiated about his encounter with Beatrice. Legend has it that she was Beatrice Portinari. Read the story here- at least the first four paragraphs. TAKE NOTES.
